Resilient Caserta
Il nuovo Rettorato. Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
The Royal Palace of Caserta is an architectural and landscape unicum that has found a formal and compositional balance that has made it one of the most important monuments in the West since the mid-eighteenth century. Luigi Vanvitelli and his circle of pupils, who over a century shaped the complex, layering it and at the same time giving it a current unitary layout, wanted to provide the monumental complex with a geographical focus by connecting it to Naples by defining the avenue that links it to the old capital.

Come citare
Gambardella, C. (2021). Resilient Caserta: Il nuovo Rettorato. Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. AND Rivista Di Architetture, Città E Architetti, 39(1). Recuperato da