Fashion portfolio

A social network for research, design and storytelling

Keywords: fashion design, portfolio, research, storytelling


Social networks and, in particular, Instagram represent in these years practical tools to define and communicate the identity of a fashion designer; the instantaneous reaction of the public, who observe and judge the published contents, transforms the individual into a collective author endowed with plural and polyphonic identity, developing an identity fluidification that decentralises the ego and fragments it.


- Bauman Z. (2003). Intervista sull’identità. Roma-Bari: Laterza.

- Bill A. (2012). ‘Blood, Sweat and Shears’: Happiness, Creativity, and Fashion Education, in «Fashion Theory», 16(1), pp. 49-66.

- Cassidy T. (2015). The Mood Board Process Modeled and Understood as a Qualitative Design Research Tool, in «Fashion Practice», 3(2), pp. 225-251.

- Franzo P. (2019). Il fashion portfolio come giardino delle identità. Una ricerca nell’ambito dei corsi di laurea in design della moda. Tesi di dottorato. Scuola di dottorato in Architettura, Città e Design. Università Iuav di Venezia.

- Lupano M., Vaccari A. (a cura di) (2014). Insegnare il design della moda. Ariccia: Aracne.

- Papacharissi Z. (a cura di) (2012). A Networked Self: Identity, Community, and Culture on Social Network Sites. Londra: Routledg

How to Cite
Franzo, P. (2019). Fashion portfolio: A social network for research, design and storytelling. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 35(1). Retrieved from