Memory, language and innovation

Declining Identity Characters of Italian Design: The Case of the 'Made in Italy' Textile Sector

  • Valentina Nebolini Sapienza Università di Roma


We talk about creativity as the essential gift of Italian design. Creativity is the fruit of a particular sum of components, people, places, deposits and culture, and the term, if understood in the narrowest of exceptions, risks appearing misleading or even leading to trivialization. Italian design is not the sum of Italian designers but a more complex phenomenon, which implies a local culture and a historical-economic-environmental situation that refers to the early post-war years.


- Ferrara, M. & Lucibello, S. (2009), Design follows materials, Alinea, Firenze.

- Di Lucchio, L. (2015), Territori e valori per il design italiano, Rdesignpress, Roma.

- Marino, G. P. (2008), Innovazione materica e design, indicazioni per la scelta consapevole di materiali di nuova generazione, in “quaderni di design”, time&mind press Torino.

- Micelli, E. (2011), Futuro Artigiano, Venezia: Marsilio.

How to Cite
Nebolini, V. (2019). Memory, language and innovation: Declining Identity Characters of Italian Design: The Case of the ’Made in Italy’ Textile Sector. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 35(1). Retrieved from