Buonanotte Contemporanea

  • Maura Mantelli


CASa Associati’s project for the recovery and development of the village of Buonanotte in Montebello sul Sangro, a small town perched on a saddle between the Maiella and Lake Bomba, tells the story of one of Italy’s many villages, abandoned in the 1960s due to a landslide, which has retained a surreal image of ethereal beauty to this day. The opportunity to intervene in Buonanotte arose when the region of Abruzzo issued a call for tenders for projects to enhance and develop tourism in small towns in inland areas.

How to Cite
Mantelli, M. (2021). Buonanotte Contemporanea. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 39(1). Retrieved from https://and-architettura.it/index.php/and/article/view/326