Convivium Park

Resilient Communities of Lucanian Parks

Keywords: convivium, action-research, community design, paradigm


Convivium Park is an action research project by Nature City - Lab of the University of Basilicata. It was developed for the IV edition of the project Naturarte, discovering the Parks of Basilicata, and aims to spark landscape regeneration, both material and immaterial, through the activation of co-design processes with local communities. The experimentation was carried out with the evolvement of three different communities of as many parks in Basilicata.


- Alighieri D. (2019), Convivio, Mondadori.

- ICOMOS-Ifla (2017), Principles concerning rural landscapes as heritage, Final draft of the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly.

- McMillan D.W. & Chavis D. M. (1986), Sense of community: A definition and theory. Journal of community psychology, Wiley Online Library.

- [last access 15.11.2021]

How to Cite
Rizzi, C., & Parentini, S. (2021). Convivium Park: Resilient Communities of Lucanian Parks. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 40(2). Retrieved from