Danilo Calò

Research, colour, shapes and geometries of faces and places


The extent to which the "sacred and profane" contrast binds Danilo Calò's work can only be discovered by following his constant production, which is never static or monothematic but jumps from subjects linked to faces, places, and objects to the different dimensions of his paintings. A narrative journey, never banal, does not want to follow a "grammatical period" defined and marked by rules (subject, predicate, object), breaking it down into its parts and overturning its roles.

How to Cite
Di Nardo, P. (2021). Danilo Calò: Research, colour, shapes and geometries of faces and places. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 40(2). Retrieved from https://and-architettura.it/index.php/and/article/view/385