Towards the sky

Valerio Olgiati, Bardill Atelier in Scharans

  • Pia Fasano


In Scharans, a small town in the canton of Graubünden, located in the Swiss Alps at over 2,000 meters above sea level, stands a rust-coloured building spangled with a floral pattern that recalls the motifs of old wooden butter moulds. It has the same external silhouette as a traditional mountain home, but inside, is a little treasure trove of surprising gems. The project in question is Atelier Bardill, built by Valerio Olgiati for the musician and artist Linard Bardill.

Local authorities granted the construction permit only on the condition that the new structure have exactly the same volume as the old barn it was to replace. And it was based on this restriction that the architect unleashed his imagination, coming up with a fascinating design that is rooted in tradition, yet overcomes it, that creates a dialogue with the forms around it, yet is not meant to blend into the landscape. While on the outside, it preserves the volume of the original barn, one ventures inside to discover an unexpected world: no pitched roof, no classic distribution of space, nothing run-of-the-mill. The workroom, which takes up just under a third of the entire atelier, has a wide glass wall that looks out onto an outdoor space with a soft green lawn and a large, round oculus opening onto the heavens, as if to capture light and air. Here, one can look up to the sky and see its changing moods, watch the light vary with the seasons, establish a relationship with time and the elements. The reinforced concrete walls are finished the same way on the inside as on the outside. In short, it is a pared-down space, conceived for meditation, inspiration, creativity. The workroom is extremely simple, with several counters and a fireplace in one corner, in front of which is the famous armchair designed by Charles and Ray Eames in 1956. The only concession to luxury. At night, a series of spotlights on the ceiling delicately illuminate the space.

How to Cite
Fasano, P. (2009). Towards the sky: Valerio Olgiati, Bardill Atelier in Scharans. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 16(3). Retrieved from