Innovative scenarios for design in the optical sector Made in Italy


In a global market with imminent recovery forecasts after the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, Italian optical production demonstrates excellent structural resilience, also supported by the first signs of recovery (exports +15%, ANFAO data). The eyewear industry is a flagship of Italian-made products, with a long production tradition and qualified know-how developed around the Cadore production district. For the Italian industrial system, frames, sunglasses and lenses export for around 90% of production: this puts Italy in second place (after China) among the world's leading exporters of products and semi-finished products. If we then look at the numbers of high-end products (luxury and fashion), Italy is the absolute leader with over 70% share of the entire market. In addition, Italy has a qualitative supremacy in frame design, capable of generating formal innovation and fuelling custom and fashion phenomena with global resonance. The challenge of the times, however, also imposes on this sector the urgency of transversal digitalisation, concerning which the research SCINDO identifies two strategic factors: a) defining new digital spaces within which to transfer part of the product choice/customisation processes (by the user) in a tailor-oriented key; b) creation of advanced research centres with a multi-disciplinary vocation, within which to develop innovative eyewear projects, through the integration of technologies in the product and the production processes.


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How to Cite
Benelli, E., Filippi, F., & Filieri, J. (2022). SC.IN.D.O: Innovative scenarios for design in the optical sector Made in Italy. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 42(2). Retrieved from