A book and a lion

Saint Jerome and his space in modern iconography


In the broad iconographic panorama linked to depictions of saints, a special place is reserved for the Church Fathers, particularly St. Jerome, an anchorite who lived at the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries. Leaving aside the iconographic themes linked to the anchorite period, it is from the modern age onwards that the saint's space of the study is studded with object allegories and symbolic values. Between meanings, symbols, narrated space and narrating space, the theorem demonstrates that architecture, even before fulfilling physical needs, is born to corroborate inner needs.


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How to Cite
Centineo, S. (2023). A book and a lion: Saint Jerome and his space in modern iconography. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 44(2). Retrieved from https://and-architettura.it/index.php/and/article/view/615