Mutations and correspondences

Cultural Inter- sections between Design and Anthropology in the Textile Structures of Paola Besana


The contribution examines the design and production practices of Paola Besana, recognizing her prominent position among Italian textile designers of the twentieth century. Additionally, by considering some of Besana's projects, the discussion will focus on the importance of anthropological documentation, the need for "correspondence" between the designer and the material, and lastly, the indispensability of caring for social relationships in the art of transmitting knowledge, to innovate and change techniques and products within the area of textile design.

Author Biography

Marco Manfra, SAAD - University of Camerino

PhD candidate conducts research mainly in the design field for social and environmental sustainability - with an eco-social approach - and design theory and culture. He was Visiting PhD(c) at the 'Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa' (Portugal).


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How to Cite
Manfra, M. (2024). Mutations and correspondences: Cultural Inter- sections between Design and Anthropology in the Textile Structures of Paola Besana. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 45(1). Retrieved from