Design evolution

Objects population between extinction, permanence, and mutations


Since ancient times, the populations of objects created by humans have formed a continuous chain that is constantly transforming in a coexisting form of archaeological and technological. The different categories of objects are subject to evolutionary processes influenced by cultural, historical, and artistic contexts and the evolution of materials and techniques. Like genealogical branches, artefacts can become extinct or hybridize through significant or minor changes. These changes involve modifications and replacements of parts and components, permanently altering their characteristics and identity. Therefore, product systems are subject to "mutations", similar to those found in living organisms. This contribution analyzes the similarities and differences between natural and artificial using the Darwinian analogy and then considers specific evolutionary cases inherent to the category of sessions.

Author Biographies

Federica Dal Falco, Sapienza University of Rome

Architect and PhD in Architectural Technology, he is Associate Professor of Design at Sapienza University of Rome and Director of the Master Exhibit Design "Cecilia Cecchini". The main lines of research developed during his scientific activity concern studies on 20th century architecture and design, on the evolution of artefacts, on Design for public space, and on multimedia communication of Cultural Heritage. Guest Investigator CIEBA FBAUL (Faculdade de Belas Artes Universidade de Lisboa), he is an academician of the National Academy of Design (Russian Federation). Since 1992, he has published more than one hundred works including books, articles in Class A journals, essays and curatorships. Two books and a documentary have been selected for the ADI Design Index (2013, 2014, 2022), receiving the Premio Eccellenze Design del Lazio with the right to participate in the Compasso d'oro Award.

Carla Farina, University of Tuscia

Architect and PhD in Technologies of Architecture and Design, she is Researcher in Design at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy, and lecturer in Design Methodologies at the Product and Fashion Design Degree Course of the Mercatorum University. From 2006 to 2016, she was Visiting Scientist at MIT Media Lab, Cambridge Massachusetts, and from 2018 to 2023 lecturer in Exhibit Design at the Degree Course in Design at the Sapienza University of Rome. Her scientific interests include the theme of new technologies applied to public spaces, in particular Culture Spaces, and their effects on individual behaviour.


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How to Cite
Dal Falco, F., & Farina, C. (2024). Design evolution: Objects population between extinction, permanence, and mutations. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 45(1). Retrieved from