Innovation Processes of Ceramic Product

Colors and Surface Modelling Systems, In between artisanship and digital technologies


The research deals with contemporary trends in the ceramic sector highlighted by formal and emotional innovation, deriving from the treatment of surfaces and the use of colour in decorations. A source of material and immaterial values, the resulting products are the expression, on the one hand, of stratified and peculiar know-how and, on the other, of new forms of design and art. Through the case studies presented, the work intends to demonstrate the possibilities of developing new formal and chromatic solutions for ceramic artefact surfaces that are useful for new product customisation models and emotional heritages created through 3D printing, parametric modelling, or with the support of artificial intelligence.


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How to Cite
Goretti, G., & Terenzi, B. (2023). Innovation Processes of Ceramic Product: Colors and Surface Modelling Systems, In between artisanship and digital technologies. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 43(1). Retrieved from