Editorial Team
The main objective of the work carried out by a scientific journal is the dissemination and sharing of the progress of research results, with a view to innovation and originality, addressed both to the relevant scientific community and to the broader public of independent researchers who use the network as a platform for knowledge enhancement.
The Editor-in-Chief formally represents the journal and is responsible for its implementation on a scientific, cultural, editorial, and administrative level.
Presiding over the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board, he makes use of their members for the outlining of the editorial policy and the programming of AND itself through the identification of the topics to be submitted to Call, the evaluation of the contributions to be published and, more generally, the strategy for the achievement of scientific objectives.
The Scientific Direction of the journal ensures the regularity of the publication of AND and its evolution over time, works for the broadest possible dissemination at the national and international levels, periodically monitors the website that hosts the journal, promotes activities and funding campaigns, and annually prepares an analytical report on its activities for sharing with the members of the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board.
Scientific Editor in chief
Prof. Paolo Di Nardo, University of Perugia (IT)
AND's Scientific Advisory Board is established on the scientific direction of the journal's editorial policy and comprises university professors and renowned figures working in architecture and design research.
Members of the Scientific Committee
Alfonso Acocella / University of Ferrara (IT)
Alessandra Capuano / University of Rome "La Sapienza" (IT)
Maurizio Carta / University of Palermo (IT)
Niccolò Cuppini / University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (CH)
Fabrizia Ippolito / University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli' (IT)
Alberto Ferlenga / IUAV University of Venice (IT)
Steffen Lehmann / University of Nevada, Las Vegas (USA)
Cherubino Gambardella / University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli' (IT)
Luca Molinari / University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli' (IT)
Vincenzo Latina / University of Catania (IT)
Alessandro Melis / New York Institute of Technology (USA)
Francesca Tosi / University of Florence (IT)
Mingchiu Tu / Tongji University (CN)
Armand Vokshi / Polytechnic University of Tirana (AL)
The AND Editorial Board comprises figures from university research and those working in architecture and design, national and international.
The members carry out scouting in the academic world and research centres, involving and openly involving other researchers in the life of the scientific journal.
The members of the Editorial Board interact directly with the Editor-in-Chief to identify and propose thematic focuses to be submitted, also using open calls or monographic issues, to the shared network of researchers.
Members of the Editorial Board
Carlo Achilli / International Studies Institute
Gianpiero Alfarano / University of Florence
Francesco Armato / "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria
Tommaso Bertini / Michigan University
Jurji Filieri / University of Tuscia
Paolo Franzo / University of Florence
Eugenio Guglielmi / University of Milan
Vincenzo Maselli / 'Sapienza' University of Rome
Giulia Panadisi / University 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti-Pescara
Gianluca Peluffo / University of Enna Kore
Alessandro Spennato / University of Florence
In the organisation chart of the journal, the Editorial Board constitutes the operational structure - coordinated by the Scientific Director - and is the body that interacts with the members of the Editorial Board and the scientific community of reference.
Following the peer review and publication acceptance process, it receives articles and verifies compliance with editorial standards regarding text length, image quality and compliance with the journal's conventional requirements.
The Editorial Board also handles the graphic design of AND and the activities leading up to its online publication and the printing process.
Members of the Editorial Board
Simone Chietti / architect
Luca Sgrilli / architect
Alessandro Spennato / designer
via degli Artisti 18/R - 50132 Florence
Management and administration
AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects is a six-monthly scientific journal on architecture and design in Open Access owned by DNA Associazione Culturale
via degli Artisti 18/R - 50132 Florence