Editorial profile

AND Journal of Architectures, Cities and Architects was founded in 2003 and aimed to create debate and enrichment on current issues in the Italian and international architectural scene, starting from the "active" comparison between two major themes, whether projects, personalities, or cultural trends, different from issue to issue. Their juxtaposition gives rise to a flow of innovative ideas and interpretations, lines of development of a broader debate. A central part links the main themes - AND - which acts as conjunction and conceptual fulcrum, offering ideas for subsequent in-depth analysis, connecting to related articles and opportunities for debate.

AND is a Scientific Journal accredited by ANVUR in the Sectors
- Area 08 / Civil Engineering and Architecture
- Area 10 / Ancient, Philological-Literary and Historical-Artistic Sciences
- Area 11 / Historical, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological sciences

AND is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ portal that indexes all open-access scientific and academic journals using a quality control system.

AND is indexed on:
> OAJI - Open Academic Journal Index
> ResearchBib - Academic Resource Index
> EBSCO Publishing
LivRe - Revistas de livre acesso
ERIH PLUS - European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences
> ULRICHS - Global Serials Directory
> IPIndexing - Indexing Portal
EuroPub - Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals
> Google Scholar
> APeJ - Academic Publications eJournal
> BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
> JURN - Search tool for open-access content




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