Fontivegge a Perugia

Riqualificazione urbana di Piazza Nuova

  • Umberto Calzoni Università degli Studi di Perugia
Parole chiave: aldo rossi, uraban redevelopment, physical and visual reconnection, regeneration, socioeconomic innovative interaction


The project area is located in Fontivegge, a district lying southwest of the historic centre of Perugia where the hill with the ancient part of the town meets the plain and where modern times have placed the railway station, the gateway to the city. This is also the spot where the main historical road and railway routes intersect.

Come citare
Calzoni, U. (2020). Fontivegge a Perugia: Riqualificazione urbana di Piazza Nuova. AND Rivista Di Architetture, Città E Architetti, 37(1). Recuperato da