
Studiare e fare ricerca in design all’Università di Firenze

  • Design Campus - Unifi


The School of Design of the University of Florence has a long tradition which began in the Sixties, initially as an extension of the Faculty of Architecture, and developed throughout the years until its current subdivision within three educational levels: Undergraduate Degree, Second-Cycle Degree, PhD and University Masters Degrees. The teaching of Design has developed throughout the years in strict connection with project-related and research activities, first in courses of Industrial and Art Design which were taught in the Sixties by Pier Luigi Spadolini and later by Paolo Felli and Roberto Segoni, until the inauguration in the Nineties of the Specialization School in Industrial Design, which had among its students some of the best Italian designers currently active both professionally and in academics.

Come citare
Design Campus - Unifi. (2017). Design: Studiare e fare ricerca in design all’Università di Firenze. AND Rivista Di Architetture, Città E Architetti, 32(2). Recuperato da