Textures, lights and colors

Health center CEDT in Daimiel

  • Elisa Massano


In the town of Daimiel, Spain, a few kilometers from Ciudad Real, the CEDT, a specialized center for diagnostics and treatment, serves patients from the local area. The Entresitio studio designed the architectural parts of the center and the Geasyt studio designed the structural engineering and systems, featuring a high level of design attention to the complex realm of hospital construction. The client, SESCAM (Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha), chose the designers through an ideas competition in 2003 and the center was built and opened in 2007.

The facility is governed by streamlined simplicity both in the outside envelope and in the interior arrangements, with respect for the precepts of hospital modularity.

How to Cite
Massano, E. (2009). Textures, lights and colors: Health center CEDT in Daimiel . AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 15(2). Retrieved from https://and-architettura.it/index.php/and/article/view/480