Un-limited dynamism on the edges

The space “from the spoon to the ... moon?”


Nothing is definable and perceivable without limit, threshold, or edge, and, above all, no exchange is triggered and made possible. The edge is what limits and delimits, but also what allows the passage from one thing to another. Any conception, "from the spoon to the city", from the most minor design artefact to the most significant architectural project or town-planning scheme, necessarily works on the edge, on the limit, on the relationship between solids and voids, being able to conceive containers of space or generating connections at all scales. It is by working on the limit that space is found.


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How to Cite
Vicari Aversa, C. S. (2023). Un-limited dynamism on the edges: The space “from the spoon to the . moon?”. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 44(2). Retrieved from https://and-architettura.it/index.php/and/article/view/616