
Opaque. Transparent

  • Vittorio Savi


In my opinion (one that is also shared by others), and above all in the
opinion of Beatriz Colomina, a legendary passage in contemporary European architecture focused upon modernity coincides with the encounter between two prominent masters of the ‘brief century’.
Paris. Perhaps, at the café on Boulevard Saint-Germain, any afternoon during
the early 1920’s. (Of course, one of the regular customers, Le Corbusier, will make a reference to it on page 174 of his revolutionary Urbanisme, published
in 1925.) Perhaps Le Corbusier and Adolf Loos are seated at a table, facing one another. One thing is sure, they are discussing various fine arts.

How to Cite
Savi, V. (2009). Architecture: Opaque. Transparent. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 16(3). Retrieved from